Where Jesus is the Deliverer!
Taking care of our neighbors and looking out for one another makes for a stronger, safer, and happier neighborhood. When we all do a little, we can do so much! Our Outreach Team continues to reach out to serve the local community.
It is our mission to reach the lost souls for the express purpose of bringing them to Christ and building his kingdom. We endeavor to assist our community through prayer, spiritual education and other means which we may be capable of rendering. With the help of our tireless volunteers and community leaders we focus on helping make our community better.
We believe that there is one God above all and his name is Jesus Christ.
We believe that God is a spirit that manifested himself in flesh through a body. As God walked this earth in sinful flesh, he became humanity's ultimate sacrifice to redeem men back to himself. After dying on the cross, he rose again on the 3rd day. He is the Holy Ghost in the church today.
Sunday School | 10 am
Sunday Morning Worship | 11:15 am
Sunday Night Service | 6 pm
Wednesday Bible Class | 7 pm
Every 1st & 3rd Friday | 7 pm
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us continue to make a difference.
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